Lum and Abner – Information From Course. 411020

Lum and Abner, going over the script.

Though Lum’s worries over his fake broken leg aren’t over, and we hear a little of the events that transpired at Sunday School related to the fake injury, there’s a matter of Lum’s correspondence course.

Lum is still a little worried that Squire might be on to his fraud, but the letter from the course is enough to lift his spirits. He has good news about being accepted, and will become a building manager in the big city, and in the high rise building of his choice. There’s just one catch that will burst the bubble of ego. Lum reads how much his free course will cost him.

PS: These days distance learning is mostly through channels like online universities, or online courses. There are plenty of legitimate schools, and others that will sell you a course, usually built on a get rich plan, or how to turn around and resell the book you just downloaded in PDF form. You know the one. Barely spell checked, and grammatically incorrect in its content.

It used to be customary to send out a free sample course that was short, easy, and designed to hook the victim… er potential student. Exactly the way that Lum was taken in. Just as it is with Lum, the cost was held back until the sucker… er I mean client was hooked, and way too much. Those old-style courses may or may not have been legitimate in the quality of the material, but they only had the backing of that school’s name to support your new found credential. Not accredited at all. Kind of like some of the online companies out there today. Somethings don’t change much, do they?


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