Jack Benny – Jack Tries To Relax At Home. 481212

Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone on the set of their radio show in 1942.

After the busy and exciting events of doing the weekend broadcast, Monday is Jacks Day to relax. Rochester tries to make Jack comfortable at home, even to the point of scratching an itch.

Don Wilson stops in, and he makes up with Jack over their argument they had last week at the close of the show. The Sportsmen plan to go away, so they sing to Jack about it.

Jack tries to decide what to do. Polly the Parrot suggests to read a book, but the TV is showing a boxing match. Phil phones to ask Jack to come over. They talk about spelling, and going hunting. The bear joke from last week emerges again.

Jack gets curious over a package that has a phonograph record in it. Turns out to be a recording of Eddie Cantor to remind Jack of his upcoming appearance on his show. He finds a few records, one of which he reads out Dennis Day’s real name. Instead, he plays one of Dennis singing, You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby.

Jack looks over books to read when the doorbell rings and Mary shows up. She invites Jack to go shopping, then resurrects Phils bear hunting joke. Jack gets a phone call from Daisy, the secretary at his sponsor. They talk about dating, and romantic things.

Mary leaves, so Jack returns to his books, but Dennis arrives to talk about his traffic ticket. Here comes that bear joke again. Jack just can’t keep Dennis from getting the last word. As Jack naps, Rochester sings as he does house work.

Now, if that’s not a show about nothing, I don’t know what is.


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