Casey, Crime Photographer – Casey And The Selfmade Hero. ep194, 470717

A security guard dressed in a dark uniform is reaching for his sidearm, which is holstered on his right hip. He stands in front of a brick wall, with his left hand resting on his belt. His facial expression suggests a state of high alertness and readiness to act in case of any threat or danger.
Security Guard Drawing his Weapon --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis "Used with permission from Microsoft."

The cops interview a character named Johnson about a murder. They suspect he’s their man, but with Ann Williams and Casey on the scene the truth is sure to come out. It seems he only staged the incident of attempted murder to impress his girlfriend. There was no crime, but guess what? the only impression it made was for the cops to haul him in for causing their troubles.

Casey offers his romantic advice to the scrawny kid. Maybe he can act as mediator to patch things up between the teenagers? maybe the gal will swoon over Casey instead. Hmm… not the thing he was going for.

Ann gets a kick out of Casey’s predicament as he shares the details with her and Ethelbert, at the Blue Note. The trouble is the overly dramatic, over reacting nature of a distressed teen. Casey tries to stop the kid from harming himself. Suddenly a real gunshot rings out, and a real live dead corpse comes into the picture.

Through some cute mishaps in the face of danger, the kid proves himself a real hero Afterall.


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