Box 13 – Delinquents Dilemma. ep26, 490213

Antique magnifying glass with handle.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Dan Holiday sets out on his latest adventure, which leads him to a poor woman on the other side of the tracks. Her boy has been arrested, and though he swore he didn’t do it, he has now changed his story and claims that he’s guilty. Which is it? Is there some reason that has compelled the boy to change his mind?

Dan interviews the boy in jail, and he gets resistance, and back talk from the kid. The more Dan looks into it, the whole scene seems phone. The robbery the kid was taking the fall for was small time, cheap stuff, but he keeps holding out, and giving Dan lip. It only adds to build Dan’s curiosity.

It’s going to take Dan poking his nose in places it doesn’t belong, and getting himself into a dangerous situation. He is soon dealing with a string of big-time gangsters, but discovers a tie in between the kid, and the gang. The kid is claiming his guilt because if he tells the real story, he would have to testify against a big-time thug, and that could be a dangerous thing to do. The kid is convinced, and nothing Dan can say or do to sway his decision.

At least the cops have finally come around, enough to help Dan with a setup to pretend to leak information to the press, and make the thugs squirm. Of course, that would make mom a target, but her love for her son gives her the courage to go through with it. The question is, will Dan be able to protect her? In the big dramatic scene, the emotional mother touches a nerve with even the hardened police officer as she saves her sweet little baby. Er… well, don’t call him that. She and her Biff go home and the police get their man.


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