Boston Blackie – John Frawley While in Africa Reads That He Is Dead. ep211, 490126

A security guard dressed in a dark uniform is reaching for his sidearm, which is holstered on his right hip. He stands in front of a brick wall, with his left hand resting on his belt. His facial expression suggests a state of high alertness and readiness to act in case of any threat or danger.
Security Guard Drawing his Weapon --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis "Used with permission from Microsoft."

A scene in deepest darkest Africa, around a native camp fire, a man on safari glimpses at a newspaper to learn that he is dead. Back in civilization, a lady reports to the cops that a shot has been fired. As Farraday goes to visit the potential murder, John Frawley comes to Boston Blackie. He has a problem. He has no ID and wants Blackie to help prove who he is. Especially that he isn’t as dead as the newspaper report.

The person he needs to prove who he is the one who was murdered. How convenient, who would benefit from keeping John Frawley under wraps? Working with John, Blackie tracks down extra clues. It doesn’t take long before he has a plan to catch the shady characters, and evil doers red handed.

Who was actually killed, if not Frawley? Is Frawley really who he says that he is? Why would somebody want to murder him? You’ll have to stay tuned to the show for all the clues, and the exciting conclusion.

Farraday rushes in with the unconcerned Boston Blackie who tells all the secrets of the mystery.


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