Black Museum – Glass Shards. ep17, 520424

Assorted law enforcement badges and photographs on a textured background, representing government and police officials.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Orson Wells presents how a few glass shards found their way into the gallery of death.

After a hard day at work and school, Charles, and Charles Jr arrive home. By the time the police arrive, Charles is dead, and Charles Jr is alive to report his dad’s murder to the cops. An intruder is the object of their manhunt. A stranger in the neighborhood is being pursued.

Theories about the little stranger have to be reexamined, and crime profiles are consulted. The stranger is finally identified as Larry Mason, and he leaves a trail of people who aren’t fond of him at all. Larry is a nasty character, but the cops can’t pin anything on him. Will the hours of footwork and canvassing police files payoff? Will it boil down to a twist of luck, and a turn of chance? Listen to the end as Orson shares an ironic twist ending for our criminal.


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