Sherlock Holmes – The Amateur Mendicant Society. ep170, 450402

A black and white checkered deerstalker hat with ear flaps and a visor.

Audio is excellent.

At a time in the evening when good married men are turning in, a young woman calls on Dr Watson to examine an injured man. Since the man with the head injury is dead, there isn’t much for Watson to do except go back home. What will Holmes think of the curious adventure? Meanwhile, Holmes has his own curious matter to share with Watson. What does the calling card for an amateur society mean?

People of opposite walks of society meet to rub elbows with their counterparts on neutral footing. When a member has been murdered, Watson finds himself back where he started. Is Holmes about to walk into a trap? Or is he aware of the trap that is set for him, and sets his own trap for his trappers?

But wait… maybe the trappers knew Holmes would plan a trap-, so they set a bomb to go off to deal with the detective once and for all. But then, is it possible that Holmes knew about the counter trap to his trap, and countered the counter trap? OK, my head hurts.