Mama Bloom’s Brood – Sara Is Jealous. ep60, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

Becky Bloom manages the phones at her husband’s office. Sarah enters to say hello. There seems to be something on her mind. Becky comforts her through her tears, as Sarah admits she’s jealous of her husband Sydney. He had to cancel their lunch date because he was too busy.

Sally comes clean to tell how she saw her husband sneaking around with the studio’s main starlet, Marsha Valle a. Tears turned to anger when Jake enters his office. Ken her Papa help get her through the emotional trauma?

When Jake tries to stick up for her, Sarah doesn’t appreciate his violent words. Suddenly she’s defensive of her husband. Sidney enters, but will he have an explanation that suitable? Once the truth is out, all the tensions are short-circuited. Just when it looks like the problems are solved, Sydney returns to bring up a promised job for Ida Goldfarb Denise.

PS: keep in mind that at this stage in the storyline, Sally is very pregnant. It goes a long way to explain her unexplainable jealousy.