Mama Bloom’s Brood – New Neighbors. Ep61, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

As Becky waits for Jake to come home from the movie studio, she is watching the action next door.

The starving Jake enters, and takes his place by his wife’s side to watch the new neighbors move in. They remark on their furniture, radio and other furnishings. Becky explains the kind of things you can learn about your neighbor by the kind of furniture they have. The conversation shifts to Jake’s cousin Mo, and is crazy inventions. Will Jake ever get anything to eat?

As Becky points out the personality traits of their new neighbors, Jake Beggs for food. The couple next door are nice people who play piano, cards and drink. Has the drinking caused Becky to think the neighbors might be criminals? As Jake decides they get comfortable and take off his shoes, Becky decides she should invite her neighbors over after supper. As Becky finally begins to prepare dinner, Jake is curious about why she is so insistent on beating the neighbors.