Mama Bloom’s Brood – Movie Plot Problem ep62, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

Harold types adjustments to their latest script, while Sidney is on hand to offer critique on the plot. The deadline for the story changes is looming when Jake enters his office. They try to explain the snags in the plot to him. Why are they in his office and not their own? They are trying to avoid a meltdown for their main starlet.

The plot is a twisted one of love, jealousy, breaking up, making up, more jealousy etc. What they need is a swell sequence to put in to let the audience know the girl is okay. Maybe her car broke down? Or maybe it was her horse that breaks down? Jake recommends the use the 200 suits of armor in the prop room.

Mama enters and wants to hear about the story thus far. Why are the movie couple mad at each other? Why is the girl late? Mama suggests the girl is lost in the country. She gives the credit to Jake for the idea. Jake is confused until she explains it was an incident from their past.