Mama Bloom’s Brood – Going to the Hospital. ep64, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

Jake and Becky Bloom drive to the hospital to visit their daughter Sarah after giving birth to twins. He does the driving, and she does the backseat driving. Jake is eager to learn what to do babies look like, while Becky informs him that all babies look alike. At any rate, the babies are sure to be pretty ones. It’s mama advises Jake to expect that the babies will all be and one ward for sanitary reasons.

The blooms arrive at the hospital, and look for the elevator.

They get directions to the hospital room, and are a little surprised at knowing their grand babies have been fingerprinted. Along the way they encounter a very excited Sidney. The new father shows the grandparents how to take a sneak peak at the newborns. Will Jake be able to pick the twins out of a ward of other babies?

As the gents argue over which ones are theirs, Becky enters to solve the riddle.