Lum and Abner – Lum Fakes A Broken Leg. 411010

Lum and Abner, going over the script.

Abner talks with Lum, and can’t imagine why he’s in such a good mood. after talking with Ezra Seastrunk. There had been some bad blood between them since Esra won the position on the school board. Lum’s bashful side comes out as he explains about the new school teacher, and the sociable coming up. Someone ought to take her, and Lum let’s his arm be twisted by Abner to step up and welcome the new comer to Pine Ridge.

Complications set in when Abner phones the boarding house where Miss Fredericks is staying, and Lum ends up on a date with sister Simpson. O the shame, O the embarrassment! Making excuses, Abner tells a tall tale, and claims that Lum fell off the porch and broke his leg. But wait, there’s a special twist to the ending.

Note: I feel a story line repeat coming on. In some of the earliest episodes that exist, Abner faked having broken arms to get on the sweet side of Lizabeth. Let’s see if Lum fares any better with his latest love interest.