Little Orphan Annie – Looking For Bill Corwin. ep1039, 1936

The image is a colorful, minimalist illustration of a dog with a light green head, white body, and black spots. The dog's ears are dark red, its nose is black, and its tongue is red, hanging out to one side. It has large, round white eyes with a black dot in the center. The dog is sitting upright with a lifted paw and a curved black tail. The background is solid blue.

Neither Annie, Joe, or Mrs. Wigglesworth believe that Bill Corwin is just out fishing. Their worries aren’t the solid evidence that marshal Elmer Slim needs, and he’s relieved Bill’s absence is explained away.
Bill’s bed wasn’t slept in, but what could have happened to prevent him from coming home?
As the marshal drives away, Annie reviews her ideas on the matter with Joe, and the farm hand, Walter. How does it tie in with the cement at the bridge, or the robbery? She figures the boat is connected to Bill’s disappearance, but not for fishing.

Exploring the river, Annie, Joe, and Walter beat the bushes. Leaping lizards, there’s the boat, but no Bill. Still, there’s clues that Bill had been in the boat. The question remains, where is he?