Jack Benny – Dinner At Dons House. ep597, 541114

Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone. in 1954.
Jack and Mary in 1954.

Don implies that Jack is old during his introduction. Bob Crosby wants a ticket for the show for his brother Bing. Dennis talks about his winnings in a raffle, and other confusing things. He sings almost as good as a cricket, but instead Dennis sings, Almost Like Being in Love.

Mary arrives to talk about a friend who got married. Then talk turns to gifts that Jack gives, and Don’s recent anniversary. Don invites the gang over, but Jack feels they might be barging in. Before they go, Rochester phones in about his chore of cleaning the attic. The Sportsmen sing, O Lady O.

Jack is so worried they’ll be imposing, but everybody else doesn’t see any trouble with it. Don doesn’t think anything of it, until they get to his house. Then he has second thoughts, will the little woman be upset? To ease into it, the cast hide in the bushes as Don goes in, then invites in one person at a time. As Jack complains, the humor flows.

In the end, he’s the last one in when all of a sudden… it starts to rain… then there’s a prowler.

Note: I’ll have to check, but I’m very certain this script has been done before. Most probably in the late 1930’s, or early 1940’s. In that script, as I recall it was Don’s wedding, and not his anniversary that in pried the dinner.