Jack Benny – Dennis Sees A Psychiatrist. 541128

Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone. in 1954.
Jack and Mary in 1954.

In Jack’s house, Rochester has a little trouble with Polly the Parrot before Jack gets home. Jack is a little upset over the anticipated visit of Dennis.

Jack has a little trouble when he tries to phone his producer, and the telephone operators get in a little gossip. Don visits, but Jack is just so grumpy, especially when he learns the Sportsmen are here as well.

When Jack learns it’s their birthday, he sings to them. Not to be outdone, the Sportsmen pick up on it, and do their own embellishment on the Birthday song.

Charlie Bagby, the piano player, stops in to complain about Remley. Mr Kitzel pops in with news about a visitor to his house. Dennis arrives, but as he wants to talk, Jack insists that he only sing. Amazingly he does, and sings, Because.

As Jack tries to push him out the door, Dennis finally says what he wanted. Jack has had enough, and escorts Dennis to the Psychiatrist. Dennis tells about his childhood.

Next, a word association test is administered, but things get weird when the visit is interrupted by a man who thinks he’s a dog, and Jack argues over who will pay the bill.