Crime Club – Death Blew Out The Match. ep1, 461202

Antique magnifying glass with handle.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Opens with an eerie doorbell rather than the phone call that later becomes the signature opening.

Mysterious things are going on at a remote island. On the boat ride in the fog, Ann gets filled in on the odd characters and happenings that await her, since she last returned home. Ann’s quiet, boring island home is suddenly filled with creepy characters, then the body of Myra is found. . Myra seems to have been poisoned, but was it murder or suicide.

Old Elishah, the boat rower, seems to blame Ann for the death, but Ann begins the process of questioning the characters in the story to solve the mystery. Who would want to blame Ann? Is she in danger of her own life when she begins to snoop around? To prove that she didn’t do it, Ann has to prove who the killer is.

She snoops around in the home of her most likely suspect, and gathers clues with the help of Leonard, Myra’s husband. Suddenly, danger does befall Ann, but not from the source she expected.

When Ann turns up missing, Elias’s askes pointed questions of David, one of the odd characters on the island, and the one who Ann had been investigating when she disappeared. Is it the mysterious David? The creepy old Elias? Myra’s husband Leonard?

Expensive jewels are found, and a smuggling racket is suspected. While the mystery rages, the listener is taken to the scene where the kidnapped Ann is about to be taken for a swim with the fishes. The killer has revealed his hand, but will rescuers be forthcoming for Ann? The mystery of exactly how Myra died, and the reason is revealed in the aftermath.

Still, what’s the story of the mysterious David? His secrets are finally resolved as well.