You Are There – Philadelphia July 4, 1776, 1776AD. 480704

American flags, with a diversity of citizens standing in front. Men in jeans and t-shirts.
People in front of American flag. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

The battle for independence from England is being fought in the stateroom as delegates meet. CBS reporters are there to bring you descriptions of the environment, and political climate of the day.

The players are described, and a little of their political stance is explained. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and others. We learn that not all delegates are for the ideal of independence. Who is Mr. Dickinson, and is his ideas of remaining loyal to Britain as widespread as he claims?

Reporters get a feel for what the common person thinks, and a woman shares her sentiments for remaining loyal to Britain. Another man tells why the idea of separation from the government is a crazy idea. The whole thought of being independent, and solely responsible for merchandising, monetary systems, and more are overwhelming. Reports from General Washington tell of impending attacks on New York, and the loss of it to British control. Other delegates weigh in on the matter, and other sentiments.

CBS reporters present a transcribed interview with British General Howe, from New York as he moves in to take control. Extremists are leading a rebellion, and the general is forced to crush it, even if it means fighting fellow British Americans. On the flip side, reporters offer a glimpse inside the camp of general Washington. In typical form, the troops aren’t so politically motivated, they’re simply out to do their duty, and not much more. Even General Washington is only a pawn at the hands of what Congress decides.

And what is congress deciding at this very moment? I think you know, but let’s listen in to the speeches that are being made before the official signing takes place.