Sherlock Holmes – The Book of Tobit. ep169, 450326

A black and white checkered deerstalker hat with ear flaps and a visor.

The jury is out on a sensational murder trial, and Holmes awaits the news of the result with Watson. The widow promises to marry the suspect if he’s acquitted. A nervous clergyman looks to Holmes to present a clue about the murders, and a note from the ancient book of Tobit.

What will Holmes be doing in his role as protector? Who will he be protecting, and from what? The widow, Lady Dianna Venering, explains her past connection with the clergyman, and some details about her late husband. The danger doesn’t seem to be for her, but her newlywed husband, the suspect from the trial.
Now married three times, and with each husband, including the one married this morning, all killed on their wedding day, former magician’s assistant Dianna seems to have no luck with husbands.

With Sherlock Holmes on the case, what else is there to do but to… marry her? Sounds like a trap to me. But one where Holmes catches a killer. Misdirection and subterfuge aren’t just tools for magicians, and Holmes explains his trap to Watson.


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