Philip Marlowe – The Unfair Lady. ep36, 490604

Gerald Mohr in 1951. A black and white photograph of Gerald Mohr, a man in a suit and tie, posing in front of a microphone with headphones on. He is holding a script in one hand and appears to be in the midst of speaking or recording. The background is dark and nondescript, with no discernible details.

The Bjornsen diamond mines are being robbed, and Philip Marlowe is called on to investigate.

The mines are in the far off, exotic lands of rural Arizona, and to convince the reluctant Marlowe, a handsome fee is put on the table.

Calder is a mine employ who mistakes Philip for a fellow my engineer. Talking with Bjornsen himself, Marlowe learns of yet another heist of diamonds. Details unfold, including a rival miner named Kelley Austin, and other characters. Playing a hunch Marlowe roughs up Calder, and soon murder is exposed. But what part did the man have in it? Marlowe finds himself on the other end of the roughing up.
There seems to be no end to the possible suspects, and soon Philip finds himself with the business end of a pistol in his ribs, and a thump on the head. Suddenly the clues all come together for Marlowe, and he’s off to confront a killer. Stay tune for a little revenge, and to hear Marlowe tell how he figured it all out.