Nero Wolfe – Bashful Body. ep11, 501229

Antique magnifying glass with handle.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

A new case is phoned in, but the home bound Nero Wolfe isn’t inclined to leave his easy chair, until he learns it involves the florist, and a shipment of orchids. Enid is sweet on the orchid specialist, John, but her uncle is ready to cut her out of his will if she pursues the relationship. Once Archie lays eyes on Enid, he is smitten with the Venus with arms. As Nero looks at the orchids, Archie discovers a body among the lilies. By the time Nero goes to see, the body has disappeared, and the fresh blood trail convinces the detectives it wasn’t imaginary. Was it the florist, who owed Hansen money? Or possibly that orchid specialist who has the hots for Enid? Since Nero is out, he goes with Archie to learn more at the Hansen home.

Both Enid and John seem to be innocent of knowing the whereabouts of uncle Hansen. Nero thinks otherwise, and claims Enid is a killer. Is he on to something? Archie has stumbled onto the body again, but after a thump on the head, the bashful body has once again disappeared.

Back in town, and at the florist, will there be a second body to be found? Isn’t it about time to get the police in on the act? Nero has had enough and goes home. Calling the players into his home, Nero reviews all the points of the case, and exposes the mystery, and killer.