Mama Bloom’s Brood – One Hundred Suits of Armor. ep51, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

Sally visits to help Becky with some chores around the house. They laughed over and instance where Papa got locked up in a suit of armor. Sally knows that her husband Sydney can get under her dead skin, but she wants mama to know he is only trying to help. Sidney and Harold are smart, but mama advises sometimes people can be too smart for their own good. Becky suggests that the sons-in-law should go a little slower in offering suggestions at the business.

Sally and Becky conspire to get Jake to dress more stylish for fitting into the West Coast lifestyle. Sarah is concerned that her Papa will be judged based on his clothing and appearance. Becky agrees that Jake would look good in anything, but he won’t wear just anything.