Mama Bloom’s Brood – Movie Premier. ep54, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

Jake and Becky Bloom are at home, preparing to go out on the town for their first movie Premier. Besides looking stylish, Jake wants to feel his pockets with tasty treats to snack on during the premier. As the blooms depart, they stop by their mailbox to see if anything important is in their. Jake drives as Becky navigates.

As they arrived in the theater, the blooms remark on all the people in attendance. Jake complains about the prices on popcorn, and Becky gets lost in the crowd as he heads off to buy some for her. Becky annoys the man next to her she worries about her missing husband.

By the time Jake fights his way back to the crowds, the notice that everyone is leaving. It seems they have missed the show. In all their excitement are too tired to walk another step, even to leave. Since they both have aching feet, they decide to walk home without shoes. On arriving home, they get a phone call from Sidney to tell them about their tickets with special seating.