Mama Bloom’s Brood – A Super Picture. ep53, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

Jake is at home, and not feeling well. His pain is over the 200 suits of armor that his studio now owns. Can Becky explain that Sidney has to learn from his own mistakes? The frustrated Jake is willing to sell out his movie studio, with a clause that the new buyer has to keep Sidney and Harold on staff.

Becky convinces Jake that his old partner Sam would laugh at him if he makes such a business decision. Jake figured that he actually likes the movie business, it’s just Sidney and Harold he has trouble standing.

The doorbell rings and Jake frets that someone is delivering more iron suits to the house. Instead, Sydney and Sarah are visiting. Harold and Yetta are with them. All Jake wants to do is complain, he’s too busy to listen to their news.

With all the extra iron suits, it has given Sidney the idea to shoot a costume picture. He explains that means shooting a historical film. It’ll even be one that will make their temperamenta back l movie actress happy. Who is going to direct it? Sydney and Harold themselves.