Lum and Abner – Lum To Marry a Rich Widow. 410905

Lum and Abner, going over the script.

Lum is all packed of and ready to go meet the widow at the county seat. Once he has found out that the widow Barrington is wealthy, he is anxious to take her diamonds ack to her. Abner raises questions on why the widow has answered any of his letters. Will he be in trouble if he explains to her how he discovered the diamonds in the first place?

Abner will be left alone to man the store. What should he tell the man if he comes back for his box that no longer contains diamonds? Is there a chance that Lum may propose to the widow while he is away? He wondered how many oil wells she owns. His Abner already jealous of the woman that he doesn’t know yet, and her coming between his friendship with Lum?

Lum remembers the times when he would go out fish and. As the gents discuss who the better fisherman is, Cedric arrives with the scar and word that they have no new mail from the mail hack. As Lum secures the sack of diamonds, Abner arranges the reserved train tickets for him. The stranger arrives with a letter from John Devereaux asking for the lockbox he left in the store.