Lone Ranger – Pestilence And Silver. 450702

Loan Ranger and Silver, 1965.

A couple of townsmen enter the sheriff’s office to volunteer for a posse to investigate the death of a local man. As they set about to remove the body from the rubble of his cabin, Tonto rides up. As they bury old Tom, they claim the man died of small pox, and when Tonto hurries away, they think the threat of the disease scared the Indian. When Lone Ranger gets the details, he smells something fishy going on. Small pox is a contagious disease, but does it explain the man’s death?

Conveniently, agent claiming to be the dead man’s son rides to town in search of something his dad might have left for him. The kid rides off to the old homestead, and suddenly the two men have a changed demeanor. They worry the kid might find something telling. At the grave site, there suddenly seems to be a convention going on. Lone Ranger wants to verify Tonto’s story, the kid is riding up, and our two curious posse members have set out to cover their tracks. What’s the big deal with the dead man? What are the two trying to cover up?

Lone Ranger observes, then tries to interfere when the kid is being shot at. The kid has a letter that the Lone Ranger reads, and it explains Tom’s story. Lone Ranger shares that he discovered that Tom was shot in the back, not dead of pestilence. Suddenly, news of a silver strike is out, and miners get busy. The two men who buried Tom have set themselves up a mine, and Lone Ranger needs proof that they have been up to no good. The sheriff is sent for, but when the sheriff arrives, and there’s gunplay, will Lone Ranger have proof for the law?


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