Little Orphan Annie – A Light In The Old Deserted House. ep1027, 1936

The image is a colorful, minimalist illustration of a dog with a light green head, white body, and black spots. The dog's ears are dark red, its nose is black, and its tongue is red, hanging out to one side. It has large, round white eyes with a black dot in the center. The dog is sitting upright with a lifted paw and a curved black tail. The background is solid blue.

Audio starts well, but gets weak and staticky in the middle. Maybe it could use a drink of the sponsor product.

A letter tells how a weak, and sickly boy bounced back to health, and is a big, husky boy now. The sponsor product made him the picture of health.

Caesar’s father, Tony Rinella, was arrested for robbery, but Annie and Joe agonize that the honest family man is falsely accused. Is the evidence against Tony planted? It’s going to take more than just thinking he didn’t do it to clear Tony’s name.

Joe has been working the matter out, and thinks a stranger to town could be the real robber. Why is the stranger lingering around, and not fleeing the scene? Can Annie and Joe catch him in a trap?

As they explore an empty house, Sandy begins to whine. Is the house haunted? The dusty house only seems to contain cobwebs. No clues, and no ghosts. Leaping lizards, then why is there a light on in that old, empty house?