Fibber McGee and Molly – IRS Audits McGee. ep1427, 571102

A black and white photograph of Fibber McGee and Molly, a couple from a popular radio show of the same name. They are standing in front of a closet that has been opened, with clothes and other items spilling out onto the floor. Fibber is holding a mop and wearing an apron, while Molly looks on with a smile on her face. The overall effect is one of humor and domesticity, with the couple's playful antics and cluttered living space providing a snapshot of life in mid-century America in 1948.

Fibber is so thrilled over a favorite TV show that he can’t sleep, or relax. Nothing can spoil his mood, until he gets a letter from the IRS for an audit.

Molly helps the brooding Fibber get his paperwork in order, but can’t help wonder what his new cellmate will be like. Will Fibber’s upstanding reputation carry any weight to get on the good side of the IRS?

Getting a little distracted, Fibber remembers their early days in vaudeville. Who needs those old checks and receipts? Maybe Fibber can slip into his old routine to derail the IRS auditors. Still looking through boxes for his records, Fibber only finds mementos of his past.

The day arrives for the big audit. Will Fibber have any worries? Molly tries to calm him down.


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