21st Precinct – The Murdered Twins. ep4, 530728

A black-and-white photograph of Everett Sloane as he stands in front of a microphone, reading lines while recording a radio program for the 21st Precinct.

When the phone rings in the precinct office, the cops send out a response. Captain Frank Canelli provides the voiceover narration to describe the behind-the-scenes action.

There are plenty of cops, and an ambulance on the scene where twins have been murdered. Mom is a single parent who has been doing her best with the 9-week-old babies. She hasn’t been able to afford a crib, and has had them sleep in dresser drawers. She tells a little of her meager income, and her activities leading up to the killing. She tells how she left the babies with a friend while she went out for the evening with boyfriend. The cops keep up the interview, and ask questions to see if her friend, Dan, might have something to do with it. A report comes in with a cause of death. Apparently, suffocation. The mom is told, and Captain Canelli then interviews the woman who sat up with the babies.

The doting babysitter tells a story that has the mom wanting to marry Dan, but wanting to have a fresh start of it. She tells all she knows from fact to rumor, and implies that mom killed her babies. In the police station, Captain Canelli deals with a few mundane bits of his duties, then is on the phone with the Chief about the twins.

In voiceover, it is told how the investigation is progressing. Dan is called in for an interview with the detectives. He tells how he met mom in a bar, and after dating he implies that he didn’t want to marry with kids in the picture. He was breaking it off with her the night of the murder. Captain Canelli tells in voiceover the summary of the interview, the change of the patrols, and that it’s looking like mom will be having a case brought against her as the killer.

The babysitting lady is persistent in wanting her baby items back since the babies are dead. Some comments she made clicks and the captain has her talk with the detective to retell her story. It seems there’s some missing pillows that could be key to finding out who is responsible. Was it mom? Or was it the doting babysitter?

At any rate, it seems to have been an accident and not malicious, but tragic none the less.