Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar – The Man Who Wrote Himself To Death. ep42, 500321

A security guard dressed in a dark uniform is reaching for his sidearm, which is holstered on his right hip. He stands in front of a brick wall, with his left hand resting on his belt. His facial expression suggests a state of high alertness and readiness to act in case of any threat or danger.
Security Guard Drawing his Weapon --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis "Used with permission from Microsoft."

Rehearsal without musical score. A man is being held for murder, and Johnny investigates the life insurance policy that was taken out just the week earlier. The man’s wife talks about her husband’s job as a writer for radio shows. Is this a project to write more authentic scripts? The trail that Johnny is led on to have his questions answered lead from street informants to chasing down a suspect to facing a gunman.

Johnny confronts the wife about her husband’s behavior, and suspects he is trying to get the cops to kill him to put an end to his crime spree, and so that she can get the insurance money. Basically, he wants to commit suicide by waving his gun at the cops, and have them gun him down. Is it true?

Johnny goes to find and confront Palmer and talk him out of it. Has the writer fallen down so far that he can’t find another way out?


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