This Week in Pine Ridge – Buying the Circus (March 11-15, 1935). (Retro 699)

Lum and Abner montage, square.
Artwork commissioned from Donnie Pitchford.

The bottom Keith shares a few brief words on the news happening around the world, then we turn to the events that are happening down in Pine Ridge.

Lum and Abner – Almost All of Abner’s Merchandise Is Gone. 350311

Horlicks: Invented by William Horlick, over 50 years ago (1880’s) to serve a need for sick people who are convalescing from illness.

In Pine Ridge, Abner is running out of merchandise after operating his business by swapping for livestock, and other things. Lum is all too glad to see his inventory disappear, since Abner has been driving down the grocery business for Lum.

What does Abner hope to do with all those animals? He thinks he can resell them, but that is yet to be seen. And what about the costs of keeping them in the meantime?

Turning to other daily topics in Pine Ridge, Abner gets a call from Sister Simpson. The constable is needed, and Abner is the man. He has to lay down the law concerning somebody who has let their farm animals roam through town. Cedric has a report to let Abner know whose animals they are. Can you guess?

Horlick drama: A housewife tells her tired-out husband how to keep his energy up through the afternoon, while controlling his weight. Horlick malted milk tablets to the rescue! Holy cow! I need to see if I can get a few of those to try out.

Maybe we should start a campaign to the still existing Horlick company to resurrect this age-old product. I bet it would beat the pants off stuff like Slim Fast, Jenny Craig, and all the rest. Hey, maybe they would sponsor the podcast. Thanks to Lum and Abner, I’m already running commercials for them. Just a though.

Lum and Abner – Abner Forecloses on Circus. 350312

Horlicks: The original malted milk. Take it as part of the Horlick weight control plan. Satisfying, but without the extra calories. Carlton Bricker reminds listeners who requested flashlights to patiently keep waiting.

In Pine Ridge, Abner is finding out the troubles of swapping all his merchandise for animals. He tries to get a parrot to talk to him. The circus manager phones in for more animal feed. Besides Abner being short on supplies, the circus can’t come up with funds, so Abner is forced to foreclose on the mortgage he holds on the circus.

Abner gets confused over a figure of speech of Lum’s about shirts. Lum argues with Abner over the incident of his animals getting loose, until Dick Huttleston stops in the store. He has word that the circus is trying to sneak out of town, so Abner needs to get on the ball if he hopes to collect on his mortgage.

Horlick letter: A mom writes in to tell how she went on Horlicks to keep her own health up for the baby, and it caused her to be able to nurse him on her own. Mom and baby continue to do well

Lum and Abner – Back in Partnership. 350313

Horlick: Take part in the upcoming First Aid Awareness Weekend, and remember to buy the highest quality products from your druggist, namely Horlicks. Hey, do they still have First Aid Day? Not a bad idea.

Abner has had to foreclose on the circus, and now has all the livestock, materials, and supplies as the circus troop has fled town. Now what? He has to scramble in taking care of all the new animals.

How is he going to get rid of them? Who would want to swap with him to get circus animals? Abner had talked Lum into providing resources to keep the animals fed, and in doing so, made him a half partner. Whatever becomes of Abner will lay some of the responsibility onto Lum as well.

It was Abner’s crazy idea that got them into this mess, and it will have to be his crazy idea to get them out of it. When a phone call comes in, Abner gets the inspiration he needs to solve his feed problem for the animals.

Horlick drama: In the workplace a man is getting fired. He just hasn’t been on his toes lately. Horlick malted milk to the rescue, and a job is saved. Wow, who knew it could do that? It’s not only the wonder food of the ages, but the answer to unemployment as well!

Lum and Abner – Using Feed to Pay Admission to Circus. 350314

Horlicks: Do your youngsters a good turn by letting them drink Horlicks for nourishment, strong bones, and teeth. And Kids like the delicious flavor. Carlton Bricker announces that the flashlight factory is keeping up with prior orders, and everyone who requested one will have it soon. Yippee! If you’re still waiting for yours, give it up! It was over 70 years ago. The light ain’t coming.

In the Jot ‘em Down Store, Lum and Dick talk about all the people who have flocked to town. It’s in response to Abner’s circus. Instead of money, he is charging feed for the animals for people to be admitted.

The circus business seems to be booming, but Abner shares with Lum and Dick some of the behind-the-scenes trouble he has been dealing with. The trio walk through, and comment on the animals they are seeing.

Abner seems to be enjoying his circus, and you know he has a good thing going on when Squire Skimp comes nosing around. He proposes some improvements.

Horlicks: Have you noticed those people who seem to always get a full night’s sleep? You can be one of them if you just try Horlicks before bedtime. Amazing! I wonder if somebody should tell those people who run those sleep disorder clinics about this stuff.

Lum and Abner – Lum and Abner Hire Squire Skimp. 350315

Horlicks with milk. Horlicks with sandwiches. Easy to prepare, just mix and serve. It doesn’t even need any added flavoring.

What’s happening in Pine Ridge? Let’s go find out. The business of taking feed for admission has worked better than expected. It looks like Abner made a good deal after all with he managed to take over the circus.

Squire wants to be made a third partner, but Dick advises that Lum and Abner just hire him on a salary instead. Will Squire go for such a thing?

Abner gets confused over Lum’s use of a saying about hiring Squire for a song.

Squire agrees, but he wants to have full rein over putting together sideshow attractions, so there’s more to it than just animals. He shares his vision of the changes he wants to implement. After the amazing description, Abner is convinced.

Horlick drama: Daddy is working late at the office again so dinner will be late. Mom deals with the starving kids as they wait for dad to come home, by feeding them Horlick malted milk tablets. They satisfy, and won’t spoil an appetite. Kids love them.