Marx Brothers Remakes – Flywheels Production Of Romeo and Juliet. 900609

Close-up of a pair of spectacles or eyeglasses designed to improve vision, with silver frames and clear lenses.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

The secretary for the law office, Miss Dimples turns the phone over to Rivelli so he can talk to the landlord. Flywheel and Rivelli talk about how they can get more clients. The landlord stops in the office for some extra abuse, and jokes, from Flywheel.

Rivelli hits the streets to try to drum up business. Amazingly, he finds a job with a local theater. Flywheel and Rivelli go to talk about their services, and what can be done to help. They get involved with rewriting Shakespeare for a version of Romeo and Juliet that has never been seen before, or since.

Groucho manages to transition to singing, Lydia the Tattooed Lady. As our heroes help with the theater production, they may have helped their landlord trouble, maybe. The actors are up in arms over the script changes that were made. When actors run out on the show, Flywheel and Rivelli have to fill in. Bet you didn’t see that one coming! (wink, wink). So, is the new play a success or not? You decide.
