Mama Bloom’s Brood – Should Papa Retire. ep31, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

Harold Fink has moved into both his new position at the factory, and as mama and papa’s new son-in-law. Mama talks to Yetta about her concerns over Papa and his health concerns. She’s afraid that his worries over the business will be taken away, and without having something to worry about he won’t be happy. She and Yetta talk about changing times, and the difference between 23 skidoo and scram.

As Yetta talks to mama about new technologies and communication, Papa enters with his latest worries over how his sons-in-law are wanting to improve his business. He complains that after 20 years in business, his younger assistance think they know more about it that he does. He’s having trouble understanding the concept of his new Dictaphone intercom.

Papa also complains about the fancy offices the youngsters have made for themselves. Modern executive and marketing ways are baffling to him. Papa is afraid his employees are spending the prophets on office amenities. Papa doesn’t want fancy office improvements for himself. He figures he can make money out of his old telephone as well as a brand-new fancy one. Will the ladies be able to apply some reverse psychology to convince Papa he needs to have a new office? Sidney and Harold enter with their suggestion of what Papa should do since the business is running so well. Hint: read the show title.