Mama Bloom’s Brood – Papa Wants a Vacation . ep32, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

it’s Saturday afternoon, and the factory has closed for the day. Mama and papa Bloom discuss the possibility of retirement. Mama appeals to pop his pride over what the Schwartz’s will think about his working when he could retire. And her flattery of his business sense, she guides him to the idea that it is time to have some fun. They discuss fond memories of visiting Coney island in their younger days.

Yetta and Sarah enter to ask for a blank check. Before they reveal the secret of what the check is for her and her envelope, Papa gets excited over the latest ideas of Sidney and Harold. Should he be concerned over the ambition of his sons-in-law? Sidney phones in with news about a custom uniform sale. The girls leave now that Papa’s mood and confidence has been restored.

Mama finally convinces Poppa to take a vacation, but can she convince him to retire? Finally, mama reveals the secret of what was an envelope. It’s two tickets to Yellowstone National Park.