Mama Bloom’s Brood – Indian Trouble. ep41, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

The blooms are traveling through the desert. Papa figures that they need to be ready for anything, including Indians. Mama begins to suspect that they’ve taken a wrong turn. Jake’s excuse for not reading the map is that it’s too hard to re-fold.
Becky begins to wonder about where the children are. Jake finally pulled over after mama suggests that there lost, and the map is consulted. She makes note of the nearby towns along the road where they came. The explorers enjoy stopping alongside the road and Becky enjoys her vacation. She is glad that this country has deserts and scenery that Europe doesn’t have.
They decide to drive to the end of the road, no matter where it takes them. The conversation returns to the topic of worries that Indians are out here. Jake assures her that they put the Indians away a long time ago. Becky sure Jake is worrying when he doesn’t talk about his worries. When he starts to talk about Indians should get scared. When they spot a gas station, they meet up with the kids again. Just as they get ready to leave, Becky’s worst fear happens. There’s an Indian attack. Wait! Sidney and Harold are talking to them! It turns out to be a movie production.


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