Mama Bloom’s Brood – Grandparents Soon. ep36, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

it looks like mom’s plans to get to Hollywood before her rival Mrs. Fink have been thwarted. Even Jake expresses his desire to get the edge over the Fink’s. It is Jake having second thoughts about going to Hollywood when he complains over his sons-in-law being able to handle the business while he is gone?
Yetta arrives to check on how disappointed her parents might be. She seems to be keeping secrets from her parents. Why would she want to be meeting Sydney, her sister’s husband at the Bloom home? Jake and Becky’s worries are in high gear as they anticipate their daughter coming home. Does it have to do with the business? Jake can’t stand attention anymore and calls the business only to find that Harold is there, but not Sydney.
Yetta assures her parents that nothing terrible has happened, but it doesn’t prevent Jake from being driven crazy. Finally, Sarah and Sidney arrive. The anxiety of her parents is reaching a boiling point when they finally spilled the beans. They announce something they can beat Mrs. Fink at doing, becoming grandma and grandpa.