Mama Bloom’s Brood – First to Hollywood. ep35, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

just when Jake and Becky thought vacation plans for working out for the best, Jake is now worried that things won’t be running well at the factory. His young assistant Sidney and Harold are trying to convince Sam to also retire. This evening, they’re getting ready to dress for dinner at Yetta and herald’s house.

Sarah and Sidney are also at Yetta is. The youngsters complement the clothes their parents are wearing, and fend off discussion about business at the factory. The girls try to guess at mama’s reasons for changing vacation plans to go to Hollywood. Does she have plans to break into the movies? Sarah swears Yetta to secrecy before she shares her secret. She just doesn’t want to have Yetta speak badly towards her mother-in-law Mrs. Fink. She simply wants to get there before Mrs. Fink arrives on her vacation.

Harold arrives in the family sits down for dinner. The girls have prepared the small surprise going away party. Becky cries happy tears that she and Jake open their gifts. A phone call Sydney away for a moment, but will it be a matter of concern for the blooms?