Mama Bloom’s Brood – Eighty Thousand Dollar Price. ep38, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

Sam joins Jake and Becky at the business to prepare discussing the sale of their knee pants factory. The business has been such a part of their lives over the past two decades it feels like they may be losing their identity. Jake has the resolve that he’s no longer worried about it, only worried about the selling price. Becky does her best to help settle the gents’ nerves.

Mr. Granville arrives to discuss business. Sidney reviews the proposal. Is Jake wanting to back down? Is he passing up a great opportunity? Mr. Granville assures them he’ll be in town for a few more days and Casey change her mind.

As Sydney escorts the man out, Becky wonders just how much Jake would settle for if he were to sell. Sam says 500,000, Jake claims 600,000, so Becky suggest they offer Mr. Grandville 800,000 for the sale. Will the big price scare the man away? The next sound you hear will be the sound of Grandville hitting the floor. But what happens if he reenters Jake’s office with a check? Who will be hitting the floor now? When Jake realizes it was Becky who suggested the price of the sale, he wants to know how she arrived at that number.


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