Lum and Abner – Abner Dresses Dummy Like A Woman. 410609

Lum and Abner in a Publicity Photo. 5x6. In this black and white publicity photo, two men, Lum and Abner, are posing together in a studio. They are dressed in suits and ties, with Abner on the left wearing a hat and holding a cane, while Lum on the right has his hands in his pockets. They are smiling at the camera with a friendly and approachable demeanor, creating a sense of warmth and familiarity. The photo has a vintage feel, reflecting the era in which they were popular radio personalities.

After Cedric’s first and only business decision for the Jot ‘Em Down store, he’s back to his usual job as delivery boy. Meanwhile, Lum and Abner try to figure out how to turn the rabbits into money. Their conversation drifts into a marital knockdown, drag out fight involving a citizen of Pine Ridge. Not Abner’s he’s too smart to tangle with Lizabeth.

After Lum’s complaining about the dressmaker’s dummy, Mr. Dillbeck, Abner gets the idea to dress him up. Things get stirred up at the end when Cedric has another business idea, and Lizabeth phones in in a fit of jealousy that Abner has been seen with Mrs. Dillbeck.

PS: I suppose Abner may be too smart to pick a fight with Lizabeth, but he sure can fall into one by accident pretty good.


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