Jack Benny – Boston Tea Party. ep217, 360426

Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone and Don Wilson posing for a photo in 1938.

The Tea Party? Don’t worry, there’s no politics, just fun. Guest announcer Pat Weaver and Jack joke about local features of Boston, where the show is broadcast from today. Kenny joins the joking around, followed by Mary. She gets snippy with Pat Weaver over words of greeting as he meets her. Johnny Green plays a tune, but Mary was so hot, she still spouting words when the tune is done.

Mary spills the beans that the cast has been invited to a big party at Johnny Green’s aunt’s yacht. all but Jack that is, but he isn’t jealous, is he? It’ll be a special party, since Johnny Green is from Boston. Kenny Baker sings, Wonderful You.

The gang all leave the show early, and leave Jack alone. Since Jack is the only one with a car (not the Maxwell, he doesn’t have it yet) He has the whole cast, including the band with instruments pile in. Along the way, Johnny plays, Follow the Flea.

Just as many years before, it’s a big tea party… on a boat tied in the harbor… and our gang has to row out to it. While hobnobbing with Boston’s upper crust, they run into Shlepperman. Just as with the original tea party where something was tossed overboard, something gets tossed overboard again… what (or who) might it be I’ll bet you configure it out.