Gasoline Alley – The Adventure Of The Rat Race With Rice. 481022

Gas station fuel pump nozzle with splash-back guard.

The guys from the garage try their hand at cooking some good ol’ American food for an important client who is of Chinese descent.

Actually, it’s Wilmer who wants to cook, since all their wives are playing bridge, and aren’t available to cook. How difficult can it be? You can guess how that’s going to turn out. Messes in the kitchen, burned food, and general mishaps in the kitchen.

But wait, there’s more. In trying to make their Asian guest feel comfortable, Wilmer is determined to speak to him in pigeon English. Fortunately, the good natured, and Ivy league educated man is willing to play along. How will the cooking disaster play out? Has their guest been impressed? Will the guys get a good meal in them? Things have a way of working out for the best.