Fibber McGee and Molly – Spaghetti Dinner For Stag Party. ep251, 400604

Jim and Mary and Jordan posing for the camera in 1941. The vintage black and white illustration of a couple sitting in a cozy living room. Fibber is holding a newspaper and Molly is knitting. They are both looking at a small dog that is sitting on a rug between them. The room is decorated with a patterned wallpaper, framed pictures, and a vase with flowers on a table in the background."

Billy Mills opens with, Hold Everything.

Looking over his list of tasty treats for his stag party, Molly and the grocery clerk aren’t sure Fibber has anything good. Mrs. Goldfarb tells about her husband, then the Old Timer enters. The old guy tells his own food related joke, but he may not be up for the festivities. Son of a Sea Cook McGee bra

The sound of clattering dishes fills the air, as Fibber sings, and lays out his work. Abigail Upington pops in to witness the kitchen activity. Spaghetti is such a simple recipe, does Fibber even have one to go by? The complicated concoction only grows. The Moore to feed the mass of merry men who will be over later.

Harlowe is back to watch some of Fibber’s fine touches, and to squeeze in another hint at the sponsor.

Nick Dipopolus enters to relax and witness the magic happening as Fibber’s food prep continues. Even Gildersleeve is on hand to watch, and tease his little chum. The Kingsman sing, The Leader Doesn’t Like Music.

Time to dish up the spaghetti, but as the guys dig in, Teeny makes an appearance. What does the girl know about stag parties, and is there a way she can bribe Fibber into letting her attend? Back in the party, how are the guys enjoying the feast? Why are they suddenly making polite excuses to leave? For that matter, why is Fibber ready to take Molly out for a burger at Kramer’s drugstore?