Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber Takes Correspondence Course In Law. ep1426, 571027

A black and white photograph of Fibber McGee and Molly, a couple from a popular radio show of the same name. They are standing in front of a closet that has been opened, with clothes and other items spilling out onto the floor. Fibber is holding a mop and wearing an apron, while Molly looks on with a smile on her face. The overall effect is one of humor and domesticity, with the couple's playful antics and cluttered living space providing a snapshot of life in mid-century America in 1948.

Looking for ways to save money, and recycle Fibber is looking for his next get rich scheme. he settles on studying to be a lawyer with a correspondence course.

Fibber gets his first course in his law class. From the well written letter from Honest Ollie, Molly isn’t so sure the deal isn’t such a bargain. He imagines himself in a courtroom drama. Molly helps him role play by pretending first to be the witness, then the judge.

His lessons are nearly finished, and today Fibber demonstrates how he makes his appeals to the jury. Will his client stand a chance of winning the case? Will his reverse psychology pay off?

Waiting eagerly by the door for his diploma, Molly still doesn’t think Fibber’s qualified to practice law. How can Fibber best use his knowledge of the law for good? What’s the news that comes in the mail for him from Honest Ollie?


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