Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber Models A Dress. ep253, 400618

Jim and Mary and Jordan posing for the camera in 1941. The vintage black and white illustration of a couple sitting in a cozy living room. Fibber is holding a newspaper and Molly is knitting. They are both looking at a small dog that is sitting on a rug between them. The room is decorated with a patterned wallpaper, framed pictures, and a vase with flowers on a table in the background."

Billy Mills opens with, Do It Again.

Planning a trip, Fibber maps out a route, while Molly reviews her dress pattern. A phone call finds Molly getting the tragic news from Mirt the phone operator. The role reversal isn’t as good as when Fibber does it… he says. Needing help with the dress making, Fibber is called upon to model it for her to be sure how her work will look. Will he be able to swallow his pride, and become a cross dresser? Of course, the neighbors begin stopping by. Right after Billy Mills plays a tune, as Harlowe does his hard sale for the sponsor.

Teeny pops in to ask Fibber to join her friends for a game. What does she do with the phonograph of one of Fibber’s shows? Finally giving in, Fibber dons the dress, but when the Old Timer visits, Fibber has to face the jokes and puns. Harlowe pops in to get a laugh over the sight of Fibber in drag, and spin the situation into a moment of soft selling.

Abigail Upington arrives to get in her puns at Fibber’s expense. She offers her own style expertise, and Fibber is ready to toss in the dress for a trip to the manly environment of the pool hall. Finding himself locked out of the house is a good time for the Kingsman to sing, Wheel in the Middle of the Air.

What’s Fibber to do when Gildersleeve pops over? Pretending to be a woman, Fibber leads Gildy on, but learns a few things that his friend really thinks about him. Will the great man take the mysterious woman on a date? How will Gildy react to being exposed to blackmail, when an old joke is reworked for a role reversal? A mistaken emergency finds a cab driver thinking Fibber is a pregnant bride, needing a ride to the delivery room.