Boston Blackie – Disappearing Fourth Floor. ep208, 490105

Antique magnifying glass with handle.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

You may be asking, “Didn’t you already post this one?” It’s very similar to an episode involving a missing office building, but a little different. It does involve Blackie’s friend Charles Kingston. What’s the matter with this guy, bad investments, and disappearing buildings?

Blackie helps his friend, Charles Kingston, get back some money that he was cheated out of. When they get to the building, The office spaces they are looking for are missing. The offices were full of casino gaming, and now are not just empty, but show no signs of ever being occupied.

Blackie takes his friend to the bank to stop payment on a check. If he does it though, the thugs who took him in their scam just might pay him back in gunfire. Rather than stopping payment, Blackie already has a plan to get the $20000 back. Hey, it’s too soon in the show for nabbing the bad guys.

The mobsters take the money, give Blackie a thump on the head, but get into a scuffle over splitting the loot. Farraday is quick to hop on Blackie when one of the mobsters turns up dead. Blackie is less concerned about that than how the casino on the 4th floor was so quickly turned into an abandoned space, complete with dust and cobwebs. He’s sure that once he figures out that mystery, he’ll have his friend, Kingston’s money back.

Blackie runs through all the old clues, and some new ones, but can he figure out how his friend was fooled? It takes revisiting the building, but in doing so, Blackie finds himself at the dangerous end of a gun again.

Blackie seems no closer when he is again thumped, and is wakened up on the sidewalk by Farraday.

The one thing to count on with Boston Blackie is that he’s good about bouncing back, and he does. I won’t say more, or I’ll ruin the fun, but he explains it all to Farraday before the show is over.