This Week in Pine Ridge – Swapping For Merchandise March 4-eight, 1935. (retro 698)

Lum and Abner montage, square.
Artwork commissioned from Donnie Pitchford.

Lum and Abner – Abner Wants To Start Trading Merchandise. 350304

Horlicks: Some products are just far better than others. For 50 years, Horlicks has

Now, what’s happening in Pine Ridge? With Abner stepping out of the store, Lum sits comfortably in the president’s chair. He takes orders over the phone, and Cedric gets it ready for delivery.

Cedric and Lum complain about Abner’s idea of taking in livestock for barter of store goods. Dick Huttleston visits to check on business. Abner arrives to explain his plan to raise chickens. It’s just the thing to make Lum put his foot down, and they decide to split the merchandise, and run two separate stores.

Horlick Drama: Need energy, or the ability to sustain through the day? Horlick malted milk tablets are just the thing to ward off hungry feelings, and boost your energy level.

Wow, if this was such a great product, I can’t imagine why it hasn’t lasted. Although it has faded away in the United States, probably shortly after the death of the company founder, it remains popular in other areas of the globe. And for the very same ailments these old commercials claim. So, if you live in one of those areas and listen to the podcast, just understand that the Retro Radio Podcast has no ties to the product. Try it if you like.

Lum and Abner – Lum And Abner Divide Up The Store. 350305

Horlicks: Good news for overweight listeners. Now you can diet on a safe plan with Horlicks. Just a glass of malted milk at noon should do the trick. Carlton Bricker still is announcing the regrets over the delays in delivering the flashlights from the recent give away. Wow, I wish I had some of those results. I don’t expect everybody to use the Tip Jar, but at least drop me a line. Please.

After arguing Lum and Abner split the inventory of the store down the middle, but what about those odd cans or boxes of things that can’t be split? Easy, just open it and eat it on the spot. Cedric helps divide up the inventory too. Lum tries to be fair, but Abner’s scrutiny and interruptions might be skewing Lum’s counting ability.

Horlick fan letter: A testimonial about a 10-month-old baby who recovered from a deathly illness to grow up strong and healthy by being nursed through it with Horlicks.

Lum and Abner – Abner Operates Store In Swap Basis. 350306

Horlicks: As active as kids are, they need an occasional energy boost, and Horlicks tablets are just the thing to keep them going.

Now let’s see what’s happening down in Pine Ridge. Grandpap enters the store and is accosted by sales pitches from both Lum and Abner. He talks to them about the rift that has caused them to put a divider down the middle of the store, and their different marketing strategies.

Lum wants to stick to a straight retail model of selling his groceries. While Abner wants to trade his for livestock and other goods, no money required. Dick Huttleston drops in to marvel at the two stores under one roof, and do what he can to patch up the friendship. Will stubbornness rule the day?

Horlick drama: A man’s friend is down with the flu. It has been two weeks, and he’s still out. Horlicks sounds like just the thing to help adults get better, just like helping sick kids grow bigger and stronger.

Wow, what a miracle cure. Too bad it isn’t still around. Could it be that it’s disappearance is why our kids today are so obese?

Lum and Abner – Broken Down Circus Comes To Pine Ridge. 350308

Horlicks: Recommended by doctors to help develop strong bodies and teeth for children. Carlton Bricker reminds listeners that the flashlight factories are still working hard too send out all the promotional flashlights to those who requested them.

In the Jotem Down Store, Dick Huttleston talks to Lum about how business is going. Cedric and Abner are out back, tending to all the livestock he has traded for. Meanwhile, Lum and Dick talk about the futility of operating his business by bartering.

Abner’s merchandise is becoming depleted, his stores of animal feed are going to feed his livestock, and purveyors won’t sell to him without cash. Talk turns to the circus that just came to town. They are looking for credit to meet expenses, but are being turned down by all the usual sources. Even Dick and Lum turned them away.

Cedric pops in to tell how busy he is with building animal pens. Abner finally arrives to tell of his latest business deal. He is providing groceries and food to the circus. Maybe not a smart business decision, but as a security he has made them mortgage the circus animals to him.

Horlick drama: A man has trouble waking up and his wife suggests he might get a better rest if he had taken some hot malted milk the night before. Horlick’s the wonder drug strikes again!

PS: In the aftermath of Lum and Abner’s flashlight giveaway, they had an impressive amount of success. In my own attempt in getting some feedback and support, I’ve managed a trickle of comment. Thanks, it is much appreciated. There still aren’t any takers on my PayPal Tip Jar yet though. Hey, why not be the first?

Once at PayPal, you can choose an amount from $1 and up to drop in my Tip Jar.

Thanks for listening, and thanks for the donation.