This Week in Pine Ridge – Abner in Charge February 25-March 1, 1935. (Retro 697)

Lum and Abner montage, square.
Artwork commissioned from Donnie Pitchford.

Lum and Abner – Jot’ em Down Store Reopens. 350226

Horlicks: Your druggist has your highest health concern at heart. That’s why Horlicks is found, and recommended by drugstores everywhere.

Lum had been elected by a small margin. Realizing he was elected with Abner’s help, Lum concedes the presidency back to Abner. Cedric and Lum talk about the changes that Abner is making. Cedric is nearly as easily confused over figures of speech as Abner. They both have complaints over Abner as boss, but it sounds like Lum is planning on shoveling off the real labor onto Cedric.

They find some lists of job duties and titles that Abner left lying around. They have trouble deciphering Abner’s abbreviations though. Finally, Abner arrives to put the mysterious job assignments to rest. Lum isn’t too happy when he learns what his new jobs will be.

Horlicks: Feeling run down, and sleepy? Just take a couple Horlicks tablets to revive yourself again.

Lum and Abner – Lum And Cedric Don’t Like Abner As Boss .350227

Horlicks: Accept no substitutes. Any others are a false economy, made from inferior products. Carlton Bricker announces that though the flashlight offer is over, those who are still awaiting theirs will receive it as soon as the factory’s back order is caught up.

In the store, Lum, Cedric, and Dick talk about crazy inventions that Abner has implemented in the store. Lum has begun to have regrets over letting Abner be president. Abner enters to talk about his latest idea for a burglar alarm, and to boss Cedric and Lum around. Fortunately, and for his own health and safety, Lum talks him out of it.

Abner may have more second thoughts about some of his inventions. He starts getting himself caught in them.

Horlick drama: A wife encourages her husband to take Horlicks lunch tablets, and drink hot Horlicks to go on a reducing diet, and still get all the nourishment he needs.

Lum and Abner – Abner Buys Ten Cases Of Soap. 350228

Horlicks: Carlton Bricker reads a testimonial letter of how Horlicks helped a sick baby grow strong, and recover his health.

Abner has been taking advantage of his new found authority as president of the Jot ‘em Down store. He spouts some good business advice to Cedric, but has trouble explaining it.

Grandpap stops to loaf a little while. A soap salesman gives an impressive demonstration of his product, and Abner is convinced to buy 10 cases of it. After the deal is done, Lum arrives with some unsettling news.

Horlicks: Just mix some Horlicks with either hot milk, or water. You’ll wake up refreshed after a good night’s sleep.
Lum and Abner – Squire Pays Abner For Rights To Soap. 350301

Horlicks: Planning a party? Wondering what to serve? Try a Horlick beverage, or a Horlick sandwich. Just kidding about the sandwich.

Now let’s have a look at what’s happening in Pine Ridge. Abner is pleased with himself over his soap deal, but Lum shows him all the errors of his way. Abner gets confused over another of Lum’s figures of speech.

Squire stops in and though he is trying to pull a fast one, he actually gets Abner off the hook over his soap dealings.

Horlick drama: Mom and dad talk about their son, and worry about his appetite. Dad figures they can give their boy some Horlick tablets as an in between meal snack to boost his energy level.