Philip Marlowe – The Name to Remember. ep28, 490409

Gerald Mohr in 1951. A black and white photograph of Gerald Mohr, a man in a suit and tie, posing in front of a microphone with headphones on. He is holding a script in one hand and appears to be in the midst of speaking or recording. The background is dark and nondescript, with no discernible details.

Eddie Millette is a man with a problem. He’s being tailed by a thug who might mean danger for him. Philip Marlowe takes on the job to see who’s behind the matter.

A dame is involved, but what can Eddie’s girlfriend tell Philip about where Eddie is? A phone call from the cops gives Philip a lead on how to act next. Eddie has been murdered, and Philip needs to iron out who is behind the deed, and it leads him to yet another dame.

It’s time to get tough, and try to keep Eddie’s ex-wife, a pistol packing mama, from reaching Eddie’s girlfriend. Dames, thugs, fist fights, and gunplay all come into play before Philip saves the day.