Mama Bloom’s Brood – The Wedding Day Arrives. ep25, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

Yetta, mama, and Sara all get dressed for the wedding. Nervous tension races, but mama keeps her head, and acts as commanding general to tend to the details.

Missing flowers, an untied tie for Jake, misplaced reading glasses, and more add to the confusion and frustrations. Mama finds herself making last moment wardrobe adjustments, and frets over perfecting all the details.

What about mama? How will she squeeze into her tight dress? Are all the trappings present and accounted for? Is the rabbi there? Where’s Sidney? Why is Jakes tie untied again? Positions everybody… que the music…

PS: I don’t know if this is the series finale, or if these are all the shows that exist. I read somewhere that Mama Bloom was a summer replacement for the Goldbergs, a long running soap opera. In the brief time in featuring these shows, and after warming up to the characters, I’ll miss the visits to their lives, and wonder about the future of Sally and Sidney. How well will Jake’s business do with the addition of Sidney to it? Will Yetta get married? However, it all works out, one thing is sure. Mama Bloom will dispense her brand of wisdom to her girls as she argues with Jake about relatives, or in getting her way in the house.