Mama Blooms Brewed- Yetta and Herold Elope. ep28, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

Jake and Becky socialize with Harold’s mother. There discussion of foxhunting is distracted by wondering where their children are. Had they just run out to get a newspaper? Harold’s mother figures that the young couple could live with Becky and Jake Bloom to get started. Mama doesn’t like the idea, claiming their home is too small.
Mama talks about the disadvantages of living too close to relatives. Jake doesn’t see the problem of having the young couple stay in the home, but mama figures they wouldn’t do it even if you offered it. After a musical interlude, Sarah and Sidney Shipbaine returned with a newspaper. But where is Yetta?
Harold’s mama reveals the real reason she requested everyone to come over. She wants to plan Yetta’s wedding. It will take time to get caterers, and arrangements made. Ornate plans for musicians, food, showers of gifts and more are brought up. The arrangements for 600 is made, but Sidney warns that may not want to do that. Can mama get their secret out of them? Harold and Yetta have left by now on their elopement.