Mama Blooms Brewed- Out of Honeymoon Money. ep29, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

Jake and Becky wonder over what cause Yetta and Harold to elope. Jake worries about Yetta while Becky worries about what do they have enough money. There worries are interrupted when the doorbell rings. Sarah and Sidney enter to assure mama of all the efforts she saved in the low expense of eloping. Mama assures her daughter that worrying is what she likes to do.
Sarah explains how with the two weddings coming so close together Yetta didn’t want to overburden their parents. Sidney adds that Yetta wanted to make their own start, without being a burden on their parents. Harold once people to forget about his father’s money, and realize he could make it on his own.
Jake’s fears are relieved, and mama as just glad to know the couple had not been listening to her rival, Mrs. Fink. A collect phone call comes in, and as Jake ponders over whether he should take it, mama is eager to talk to her daughter. The young couple are on their honeymoon, which amuses Jake that they are independent enough to pay the hotel and railroad. The laughter stops when mama demands he break out his checkbook to send the young couple more money. Mama figures if they’re not going to give them the elaborate wedding, the least they could do is help pay for their honeymoon. Sidney explains how Harold will be able to repay Jake the money his warning him. Harold’s new job will be as Sydney’s assistant at the business.